Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Basic MySQL to LINQ conversion using chatbot group by , distinct , left join

 Convert following MySQL query to Linq query in .net core entity framework


To convert a MySQL

Select, teamduration.createddate, teamduration.startdate ,teamduration.enddate , teamuser.categoryId, teamuser.subcategoryId, supervisorUserId ,, as subcategory , su.user_name as supervisor , ru.user_name Reporting, u.user_name as teammember from teamuser tu inner join teamduration td on = td.teamUserId inner join usermaster su on = td.supervisoruserid left join usermaster ru on = td.reporterUserId left join usermaster u on = tu.userId left join categorymaster cm on = tu.categoryId left join subcategorymaster scm on = tu.subcategoryId

To convert the given MySQL query to a LINQ query in .NET Core Entity Framework, you can use the LINQ syntax and Entity Framework's DbSet properties. Here's how you can write the LINQ query:

var query = from tu in dbContext.TeamUsers join td in dbContext.TeamDurations on tu.Id equals td.TeamUserId join su in dbContext.UserMasters on td.SupervisorUserId equals su.Id join ru in dbContext.UserMasters on td.ReporterUserId equals ru.Id into ruGroup from ru in ruGroup.DefaultIfEmpty() join u in dbContext.UserMasters on tu.UserId equals u.Id into uGroup from u in uGroup.DefaultIfEmpty() join cm in dbContext.CategoryMasters on tu.CategoryId equals cm.Id into cmGroup from cm in cmGroup.DefaultIfEmpty() join scm in dbContext.SubcategoryMasters on tu.SubcategoryId equals scm.Id into scmGroup from scm in scmGroup.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { tu.Id, td.CreatedDate, td.StartDate, td.EndDate, tu.CategoryId, tu.SubcategoryId, SupervisorUserId = td.SupervisorUserId, CategoryName = cm.Name, SubcategoryName = scm.Name, SupervisorName = su.UserName, ReportingName = ru.UserName, TeamMemberName = u.UserName }; var results = query.ToList();

Note that you need to replace dbContext with your actual instance of the Entity Framework's DbContext class, and the TeamUsers, TeamDurations, UserMasters, CategoryMasters, and SubcategoryMasters properties with the corresponding DbSet properties in your DbContext class.

The LINQ query uses the join clause to perform inner joins and left joins between the tables. The into keyword and DefaultIfEmpty() method are used to perform left joins. The select clause creates a new anonymous type with the desired properties from the joined tables.

Finally, the ToList() method executes the query and retrieves the results into a list.

How to select {CategoryName , SubcategoryName , SupervisorName } from above results grouped or distinct values

To select distinct or grouped values for CategoryName, SubcategoryName, and SupervisorName from the results obtained in the previous query, you can modify the LINQ query as follows:

var distinctResults = query .Select(x => new { x.CategoryName, x.SubcategoryName, x.SupervisorName }) .Distinct() .ToList();

In this modified query, the Select() method is used to project the desired properties (CategoryName, SubcategoryName, and SupervisorName) from the results. The Distinct() method is then applied to eliminate duplicate rows based on the selected properties. Finally, the ToList() method is used to execute the query and retrieve the distinct results into a list.

The distinctResults list will contain distinct combinations of CategoryName, SubcategoryName, and SupervisorName from the original query results.

How to select using group by?

To select using the GROUP BY clause in LINQ, you can modify the previous LINQ query to include the group keyword. Here's an example of how you can select using GROUP BY:

var groupedResults = query .GroupBy(x => new { x.CategoryName, x.SubcategoryName, x.SupervisorName }) .Select(group => new { CategoryName = group.Key.CategoryName, SubcategoryName = group.Key.SubcategoryName, SupervisorName = group.Key.SupervisorName }) .ToList();

In this modified query, the GroupBy() method is used to group the results based on the selected properties (CategoryName, SubcategoryName, and SupervisorName). The Select() method is then used to project the grouped properties into a new anonymous type with the desired property names. Finally, the ToList() method executes the query and retrieves the grouped results into a list.

The groupedResults list will contain distinct combinations of CategoryName, SubcategoryName, and SupervisorName based on the GROUP BY operation.

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