Thursday, March 10, 2011

List of DBCC commmands

Content copied from

DBCC means DataBase Consistency Checker  

The Issue:   Get a list of all the DBCC commands both documented and undocumented.

They're not all documented but at leas you can get the syntax.

Solution: Turn on trace 2520 and use DBCC HELP ('?') to get a list of all the commands.

The script:

      dbcc traceon(2520)
      dbcc help ('?')
Shows the list of DBCC commands.  then

      DBCC HELP()

Shows the syntax of an individual co
If you run DBCC HELP on all the commands you end up with this list:
DBCC activecursors [(spid)]

DBCC addextendedproc (function_name, dll_name) 

DBCC addinstance (objectname, instancename) 

DBCC adduserobject (name) 

DBCC auditevent (eventclass, eventsubclass, success, loginname
                                            , rolename, dbusername, loginid) 

DBCC autopilot (typeid, dbid, tabid, indid, pages [,flag]) 

DBCC balancefactor (variance_percent) 

DBCC bufcount [(number_of_buffers)] 

DBCC buffer ( {'dbname' | dbid} [, objid [, number [, printopt={0|1|2} ]
                                  [, dirty | io | kept | rlock | ioerr | hashed ]]]) 
DBCC bytes ( startaddress, length ) 

DBCC cachestats 

DBCC callfulltext 

DBCC checkalloc [('database_name'[, NOINDEX | REPAIR])] 
                           [WITH NO_INFOMSGS[, ALL_ERRORMSGS][, ESTIMATEONLY]] 

DBCC checkcatalog [('database_name')] [WITH NO_INFOMSGS] 

DBCC checkconstraints [( 'tab_name' | tab_id | 'constraint_name' | constraint_id )] 
                                          [WITH ALL_CONSTRAINTS | ALL_ERRORMSGS] 

DBCC checkdb [('database_name'[, NOINDEX | REPAIR])] 
                                  [WITH NO_INFOMSGS[, ALL_ERRORMSGS]
                                    [, PHYSICAL_ONLY][, ESTIMATEONLY][,DBCC TABLOCK] 

DBCC checkdbts (dbid, newTimestamp)] 

DBCC checkfilegroup [( [ {'filegroup_name' | filegroup_id} ] 
                                 [, NOINDEX] )] [WITH NO_INFOMSGS

DBCC checkident ('table_name'[, { NORESEED | {RESEED [, new_reseed_value] } } ] ) 

DBCC checkprimaryfile ( {'FileName'} [, opt={0|1|2|3} ]) 

DBCC checktable ('table_name'[, {NOINDEX | index_id | REPAIR}]) 
                                      [WITH NO_INFOMSGS[, ALL_ERRORMSGS]
                                      [, PHYSICAL_ONLY][, ESTIMATEONLY][, TABLOCK]] 

DBCC cleantable ('database_name'|database_id, 'table_name'|table_id,[batch_size])

DBCC cacheprofile [( {actionid} [, bucketid]) 

DBCC clearspacecaches ('database_name'|database_id, 
                               'table_name'|table_id, 'index_name'|index_id) 

DBCC collectstats (on | off) 

DBCC concurrencyviolation (reset | display | startlog | stoplog) 

DBCC config 

DBCC cursorstats ([spid [,'clear']]) 

DBCC dbinfo [('dbname')] 

DBCC dbrecover (dbname [, IgnoreErrors]) 

DBCC dbreindex ('table_name' [, index_name [, fillfactor ]]) [WITH NO_INFOMSGS] 

DBCC dbreindexall (db_name/db_id, type_bitmap) 

DBCC dbrepair ('dbname', DROPDB [, NOINIT]) 

DBCC dbtable [({'dbname' | dbid})] 

DBCC debugbreak 

DBCC deleteinstance (objectname, instancename) 

DBCC des [( {'dbname' | dbid} [, {'objname' | objid} ])] 

DBCC detachdb [( 'dbname' )] 

DBCC dropcleanbuffers 

DBCC dropextendedproc (function_name) 

DBCC dropuserobject ('object_name') 

DBCC dumptrigger ({'BREAK', {0 | 1}} | 'DISPLAY' | {'SET', exception_number} 
                                             | {'CLEAR', exception_number}) 

DBCC errorlog 

DBCC extentinfo [({'database_name'| dbid | 0} 
                 [,{'table_name' | table_id} [, {'index_name' | index_id | -1}]])] 

DBCC fileheader [( {'dbname' | dbid} [, fileid]) 

DBCC fixallocation [({'ADD' | 'REMOVE'}, 
                           {'PAGE' | 'SINGLEPAGE' | 'EXTENT' | 'MIXEDEXTENT'}
                                   , filenum, pagenum [, objectid, indid]) 

DBCC flush ('data' | 'log', dbid) 

DBCC flushprocindb (database) 

DBCC free dll_name (FREE) 

DBCC freeproccache 

dbcc freeze_io (db) 

dbcc getvalue (name) 

dbcc icecapquery ('dbname', stored_proc_name 
                              [, #_times_to_icecap  (-1 infinite, 0 turns off)])
     Use 'dbcc icecapquery (printlist)' to see list of SP's to profile.
     Use 'dbcc icecapquery (icecapall)' to profile all SP's.
dbcc incrementinstance (objectname, countername, instancename, value) 

dbcc ind ( { 'dbname' | dbid }, { 'objname' | objid }, { indid | 0 | -1 | -2 } )

DBCC indexdefrag ({dbid | dbname | 0}, {tableid | tablename}, {indid |indname})

DBCC inputbuffer (spid)

DBCC invalidate_textptr (textptr)

DBCC invalidate_textptr_objid (objid)

DBCC iotrace ( { 'dbname' | dbid | 0 | -1 }
                             , { fileid | 0 }, bufsize, [ { numIOs | -1 } 
                               [, { timeout (sec) | -1 } [, printopt={ 0 | 1 }]]] ) 

DBCC latch ( address [, 'owners'] [, 'stackdumps']) 

                                          [{'STALLREPORTTHESHOLD', stallthreshold}]) 

DBCC lockobjectschema ('object_name') 

DBCC log ([dbid[,{0|1|2|3|4}[,['lsn','[0x]x:y:z']|['numrecs',num]|['xdesid','x:y']

DBCC loginfo [({'database_name' | dbid})] 

DBCC matview ({'PERSIST' | 'ENDPERSIST' | 'FREE' | 'USE' | 'ENDUSE'}) 

DBCC memobjlist [(memory object)] 

DBCC memorymap 

DBCC memorystatus 

DBCC memospy 

DBCC memusage ([IDS | NAMES], [Number of rows to output]) 

DBCC monitorevents ('sink' [, 'filter-expression']) 

DBCC newalloc - please use checkalloc instead 

DBCC no_textptr (table_id , max_inline) 

DBCC opentran [({'dbname'| dbid})] [WITH TABLERESULTS[,NO_INFOMSGS]] 

DBCC outputbuffer (spid) 

DBCC page ( {'dbname' | dbid}, filenum, pagenum 
                                 [, printopt={0|1|2|3} ][, cache={0|1} ]) 

DBCC perflog 

DBCC perfmon 

DBCC pglinkage (dbid, startfile, startpg, number, printopt={0|1|2}
                                              , targetfile, targetpg, order={1|0}) 

DBCC pintable (database_id, table_id) 

DBCC procbuf [({'dbname' | dbid}[, {'objname' | objid}
                                          [, nbufs[, printopt = { 0 | 1 } ]]] )] 

DBCC proccache 

DBCC prtipage (dbid, objid, indexid [, [{{level, 0} 
                                    | {filenum, pagenum}}] [,printopt]]) 

DBCC pss [(uid[, spid[, printopt = { 1 | 0 }]] )] 

DBCC readpage ({ dbid, 'dbname' }, fileid, pageid
                                 , formatstr [, printopt = { 0 | 1} ]) 

DBCC rebuild_log (dbname [, filename]) 

DBCC renamecolumn (object_name, old_name, new_name) 

DBCC resource 

DBCC row_lock (dbid, tableid, set) - Not Needed 

DBCC ruleoff ({ rulenum | rulestring } [, { rulenum | rulestring } ]+) 

DBCC ruleon (  rulenum | rulestring } [, { rulenum | rulestring } ]+) 

DBCC setcpuweight (weight) 

DBCC setinstance (objectname, countername, instancename, value) 

DBCC setioweight (weight) 

DBCC show_statistics ('table_name', 'target_name') 

DBCC showcontig (table_id | table_name [, index_id | index_name] 
                         [WITH FAST, ALL_INDEXES, TABLERESULTS [,ALL_LEVELS]]) 

DBCC showdbaffinity 

DBCC showfilestats [(file_num)] 

DBCC showoffrules 

DBCC showonrules 

DBCC showtableaffinity (table) 

DBCC showtext ('dbname', {textpointer | {fileid, pageid, slotid[,option]}})

DBCC showweights

DBCC shrinkdatabase ({dbid | 'dbname'}, [freespace_percentage 
                                            [, {NOTRUNCATE | TRUNCATEONLY}]]) 

DBCC shrinkfile ({fileid | 'filename'}, [compress_size 
                                     [, {NOTRUNCATE | TRUNCATEONLY | EMPTYFILE}]]) 

DBCC sqlmgrstats 

                                                  | {THREADS} | {LOGSPACE}) 

DBCC stackdump [( {uid[, spid[, ecid]} | {threadId, 'THREADID'}] )] 

DBCC tab ( dbid, objid ) 

DBCC tape_control {'query' | 'release'}[,('\\.\tape')] 

DBCC tec [( uid[, spid[, ecid]] )] 

DBCC textall [({'database_name'|database_id}[, 'FULL' | FAST] )] 

DBCC textalloc ({'table_name'|table_id}[, 'FULL' | FAST]) 

DBCC thaw_io (db) 

DBCC traceoff [( tracenum [, tracenum ... ] )] 

DBCC traceon [( tracenum [, tracenum ... ] )] 

DBCC tracestatus (trace# [, ...trace#]) 

DBCC unpintable (dbid, table_id) 

DBCC updateusage ({'database_name'| 0} [, 'table_name' [, index_id]]) 
                                        [WITH [NO_INFOMSGS] [,] COUNT_ROWS] 

DBCC upgradedb (db) DBCC usagegovernor (command, value) 

DBCC useplan [(number_of_plan)] 

DBCC useroptions DBCC wakeup (spid) 

DBCC writepage ({ dbid, 'dbname' }, fileid, pageid, offset, length, data)

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