Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The reason timeouts and MaxReceivedMessageSize can't be propagated to the generated client config is because that data is not propagated to the wsdl published by the service.  Only operation ports, and WS* standards are in metadata.  Further, MaxReceivedMessageSize on the service has nothing to do with MaxReceivedMessageSize on the client.  You can have a request-reply scenario where the request sent to the service is very small, but the service returns a large response.  In that scenario you MUST manually modify the MaxReceivedMessageSize on the client.  There's nothing in metadata about this.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Reference :

How to generate the SHA-1 hash of a string using C#

The namespace System.Security.Cryptography contains classes for working with cryptography such as hashing. Within this namespace you will find the SHA1Managed class which we can utilize to generate the SHA-1 hash of a string. Below you will find a helper method using this class:

public static string GetSha1(string value)
 var data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(value);
 var hashData = new SHA1Managed().ComputeHash(data);

 var hash = string.Empty;

 foreach (var b in hashData)
  hash += b.ToString("X2");

 return hash;

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Workaround for CORS Support in IE 8 and 9

The solution by

Jonas Gauffin 


helped a lot to make a workaround for IE 8 and 9 , CORS support